No Land B
No Land B is an environmental dance work that seeks to find common ground... Two dancers invite us to join in a hopeful loving lament to the earth - calling us home to be in our bodies and to be with the earth.

A work by Sivan Rubinstein
Dancers: Lydia Walker and Shanley Jorge-Elde
Composer: Liran Donin
Lighting Designer and Production Manager: Edward Saunders
Sculptural Artist: Caroline Mackenzie
Fashion Designer : WONDEROUND
Dramaturg: Xenia Aidonopoulou
Creative Consultant: Theresa Beattie
Creative Producer: Lia Prentaki
Photos: Dave Keightley / Bar Alon
Full performance filmed by: Thomas Norris
Trailer filming and editing by: Jurga Ramonaite
Supported, commissioned and originally co-produced by The Place. Research support by 101 Outdoor Arts Creation Space Supported using public funding by Arts Council England With kind support from Carn to Cove, Beaford, The Hackney Baths and Giant Steps.